- Feedback
- Ideas and Comments
Ideas and Comments
Help us improve the way ideas and comments are managed.
Social login
Add social logins to allow easier signup, such as via google, microsoft and facebook.
Anonymous voting without login
Uservoice let's people vote on ideas without registering (it gives each IP 10 votes).
This would be a good feature to have.
Integration API
It would be super nice to have an API endpoint, so we can integrate PHPBack with other systems.
Accepting Paragraphs
When I write an idea, I do paragraphs so the idea becomes more legible. But after I Submit all the paragraphs are gone, and the text becomes a mess and not so simple to read.
phpback widget
we need widget to put in our main website if that possible
Authenticate Using Active Directory
It would be really useful if you could authenticate against an active directory store. This would allow an administrator to leverage this application for larger-than-a-poll polling. We are releasing a...
Suggest similar ideas before accepting a new one
The system can try to match "new" ideas with already existing ones. This will keep similar ideas together, add to the conversation and prevent popular ideas from getting lost due to multiple submissio...